Friday, November 26, 2010

What is Corpans?

Welcome to Corpans BETA!

Corpans is an online platform, that brings a whole new dimension to both your, intra and inter work place interactions. We understand user requirements, and hence we have decided to bucket information (your posts) on Corpans as, “ASKS”, “NEEDS” or “SELLS”.

You love Twitter; so do we :)
Hence, your posts on Corpans have a look and feel of Twitter.
But we DO NOT restrict you to a 140 character posting. We understand that you might need more than 140 characters to post something and, want the post to be interpreted by readers the same way, as you meant it to be.

You can absolutely ask, anything under the sun. However, we strongly advise you to be respectful and responsible while asking anything. Please read a few dummy use-case scenarios, below, to understand “#asks” better

Use-case scenario #1:

It’s Friday evening, and Fred has been working on a tight deadline for 2 weeks now. Fred might want to go out and have a drink with his colleagues.
All that Fred needs to do is, “ASK” on Corpans: “Anyone up for a couple of drinks at Zanzibar, Battery St., San Francisco @ 10:30 PM ?”
Corpans takes this “ASK” post and informs Fred’s colleagues who are also on Corpans, that he wants to hang-out tonight, have a couple of drinks and relax.
Bottom-line, Fred is happy :), his colleagues are happy :) and of course we are happy :)

Use-case scenario #2:

Leah is learning Python programming language, and needs help.
She can ask her colleagues, already on Corpans to help her clarify her doubts, finding comprehensive tutorials etc. Leah can also share the answers with her other colleagues who joined her work-place recently.
Corpans also acts as a knowledge sharing tool. Of course, we are busy building a knowledge bank. Check our labs, to know more about knowledge bank.

Need a mobile phone, a place to stay or a tenant for your 2 bedroom apartment!
Post it on Corpans and let your colleagues on Corpans help you out !
See some dummy use-case scenarios, below, to understand more.

Use-case scenarios:

“Nathan needs a used car. He can post his need to his colleagues who are already on Corpans. Some colleague of Nathan, might be selling his/her car”
“Larry owns a 2 bedroom apartment and a Condo in Downtown San Francisco. He prefers staying in his Condo with his family and needs a trusted tenant for his apartment. He can post his need to his colleagues on Corpans.”
We are working on a bunch of features, to be able to bucket your needs. You can check’em out in our labs section.

Want to sell an item!

One of the easiest ways to sell it, is through Corpans.

You can post an item that you want to sell, quote a price, post an item image, assign a category for the item, sit back and relax. Corpans will post this to your colleagues and users in your location, who are already on Corpans.

You will be notified when someone, expresses interest in your sell. :)
Apart from these, you can do a whole lot of things on Corpans. Please check all the features that have been keeping us busy, in our labs section.
Unleash the unexplored potential that your work-place network holds, with Corpans.

Try out Corpans Now!!

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